House alpha graphic

It’s as easy as “A-B-C

The Heating Energy Assessment Tool (HEAT) from AREVS is a RESNET Approved, easy-to-use web-based application designed for use by home energy professionals, realtors, government program affiliates, home appraisers, home assessors, and even homeowners. The HEAT application will quickly show whether or not a home is in need of energy retrofits or upgrades. Using algorithms that are normalized for house size and geographical location, and information from its utility bill during the heating season, HEAT provides a heating energy assessment for a home in less than 5 minutes. A simple A+ through F grade range gives instant understanding of home heating performance. The full HEAT Report provides the NEL (Normalized Energy Load) specific to the home, as well as projected annual Heating, Domestic Hot Water, and cooling costs.

Two valuable reports are generated for a  home evaluated with HEAT.

First, a Heating Energy Assessment rates the general range of energy efficiency of the home and recommends energy savings measures, specific to the rated home’s current energy efficiency status, prioritized in order of maximum return on investment. Click again, and receive a full detailed Heating Energy Report based on the information entered.

 Register to use HEAT by AREVS  just once (registration is free!). It will create a user account and enable you to run as many ratings as you need, keeping track of all the ratings you have run and makes them available for future reference.

                                        Click here to get started !